Our specialist services include:

Project management

Development management

Program management

Design management

Contract superintendency

Cost management

Our Process


Pre-Planning & Concept.

Identifying and engaging the most appropriate team of professionals (e.g. architect, engineers, town planner, certifier).

Distilling the client’s key objectives into a clear project brief.

Options analysis and business case preparation.

Design Development & planning.

Managing the design team to adhere to strict timeframes and milestones.

Managing and guiding the team through planning and statutory requirements.

Tender & Award.

Engaging with the market to identify contractors for the project.

Managing the consultant team to prepare a robust and complete tender package.

Assessing and normalising tenders and making recommendation.

Assisting with preparation and finalising of contract documentation.



Acting as the project manager, superintendent or both.

Assessing contractor claims for time, cost variation and payment.

Assisting with satisfying the client’s obligations under the Security of Payment Act.

Managing WHS, budget, program and quality.


Managing the defect identification and rectification process.

Ensuring the client receives required completion documentation including manuals, warranties and occupation certificates.


Managing the close out of defects during the defects liability period.

Ongoing support to the client, operator and owners’ corporation as required.

Assessing and certifying final claims.

Ready to have a chat about your next project?